Guest edited special issues of journals
Refereed journal articles
Refereed book chapters
Commissioned publications
Reprinted material
Book Reviews
- Wright, L. & Higgins, C. (Eds.) (2021). Diversifying the family in family language policy. London: Bloomsbury.
- Ponte, E., & Higgins, C. (2015). Guiding practice in linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms: A highly embedded approach. Philadelphia: Caslon Publishing.
- Higgins, C. (Ed.) (2011). Identity formation in globalizing contexts: Language learning in the new millennium. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Higgins, C. & Norton, B. (Eds.) (2010). Language and HIV/AIDS. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Higgins, C. (2009). English as a local language. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Bonch-Bruevich, X., Crawford, W., Hellermann, J., Higgins, C. & Nguyen, H. (Eds.) (2001). Second language research: Past, present, and future. Proceedings from the Second Language Research Forum 2000. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press
Guest edited special issues of journals
- Higgins, C. (2019). Language, heritage and family: A dynamic perspective. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 255.
- Higgins, C. (2015). Insult or act of identity? Stylization in multilingual discourse. Multilingua 34(2).
- Higgins, C. (2007). Interculturality in talk-in-interaction. Pragmatics 17(1).
Refereed journal articles
- Higgins, C. & Ikeda, M. (2021). The materialization of language in tourism networks. Applied Linguistics Review, 12 (1), 123-152.
- Higgins, C. & Furukawa, G. (2020). Localizing the transnational call center industry: Training creole speakers in Dominica to serve Pidgin speakers in Hawai‘i. Journal of Sociolinguistics 24, 613-633.
- Higgins, C. (2019). The dynamics of Hawaiian speakerhood in the family. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 255.
- Higgins, C. (2019). Language, heritage, and family: A dynamic perspective. International Journal of the Sociology of Language.
- Higgins, C. & Ponte, E. (2017). Legitimating multilingual teacher identities in the mainstream classroom. Modern Language Journal.
- Higgins, C. (2016). Authorization and and illegitimation among biomedical doctors and indigenous healers in Tanzania. Applied Linguistics Review 7(4), 385–407
- Higgins, C. (2015). Intersecting scapes, global linguistic flows, and new millennium hybridities. Language Teaching: Surveys and Reports 48(3), 343-372.
- Higgins, C. (2015). Insult or act of identity? Stylization in multilingual discourse. Multilingua 34 (2) 135-158.
- Higgins, C. (2014). Constructing identities through literacy events in HIV/AIDS education. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 35 (7), 709-723.
- Higgins, C. & Furukawa, G. (2012). Styling Hawai‘i in haolewood: White protagonists on a voyage of self discovery. Multilingua 31,177-198.
- Higgins, C., Nettell, R., Furukawa, G., & Sakoda, K. (2012). Beyond contrastive analysis and codeswitching: Student documentary filmmaking as a challenge to linguicism in Hawai`i. Linguistics and Education, 23(1), 49-61.
- Higgins, C. & Stoker, K. (2011). Language learning as a site for belonging: A narrative analysis of Korean adoptee-returnees. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 14(4), 399-412.
- Higgins, C. (2010). Discursive enactments of the World Health Organization’s policies: Competing world views in Tanzanian HIV/AIDS prevention. Language Policy, 9(1) 65-85.
- Higgins, C. (2007). A closer look at cultural difference: Investigating interculturality in talk-in-interaction. Pragmatics 17, 9-22.
- Higgins, C. (2007). Constructing membership in the in-group: Affiliation and resistance among urban Tanzanians. Pragmatics 17, 49-70.
- Higgins, C. (2007). Shifting tactics of intersubjectivity to align indexicalities: A case of joking around in Swahinglish. Language in Society 36, 1-24.
- Higgins, C. (2004). Implications of sociolinguistic variation in Swahili for the foreign language classroom. Journal of the African Language Teachers Association, 1, 67-79.
- Higgins, C. (2003). “Ownership” of English in the Outer Circle: An alternative to the NS-NNS dichotomy. TESOL Quarterly, 37, 615-644.
- Higgins, C., Thompson, M. & Roeder, R.. (2003). In search of a profound answer: Mainstream scripts and the marginalization of advanced-track urban students. Linguistics and Education 14, 195-220.
Refereed book chapters
- Higgins, C. & Adams, K. (forthcoming). Resemiotizing the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa: Towards a more Hawaiian place of learning. In N. Punawai, M. Nobrega, & C. Waialae (Eds.) Pīkoʻokoʻo conference proceedings. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
- Urada, K., Chen, L., Griffin, K., Nuesser, M. & Higgins, C. (2022). Finding Queen Emma at the International Market Place: The intercultural semiotics of commodified cultural heritage tourism (pp. 104-133). In B. K. Sharma & G. Shuang (Eds.) Language and intercultural communication in tourism: Critical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
- Higgins, C. (2021). The formation of ʻohana in Hawaiian language revitalization. In L. Wright & C. Higgins (Eds.) Diversifying the family in family language policy. London: Bloomsbury.
- Higgins, C. (2021). Promoting Pidgin at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. In G. Clements & E. B. Canon (Eds.) Linguistic discrimination in US higher education: Power, prejudice, impacts, and remedies. New York: Taylor & Francis.
- Related podcasts on the publication and topic featuring the editors:
- Vocal Fries podcast (March 29, 2021):!4c653
- Because Language podcast (March 31, 2021):
- Related podcasts on the publication and topic featuring the editors:
- Higgins, C. (2021). Engaging the public in sociolinguistics for social justice: Advocating for Pidgin Speakers in Hawaiʻi. In D. Warriner & E. Miller (Eds.) Extending applied linguistics for social impact: Collaborations in diverse spaces of public inquiry. New York: Bloomsbury.
- Higgins, C. (2019). Place-based narratives among new speakers of ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi. In R. Piazza (ed.) Discourses of identity in liminal places and spaces. New York and London: Routledge.
- Higgins, C., Furukawa, G., & Lee, H. (2017). Resemiotizing the metapragmatics of Konglish and Pidgin on YouTube. In S. Leppänen, S. Kytölä, H. Jousmäki, S. Peuronen and E.Westinen (Eds.) Discourse and identification: Diversity and heterogeneity in social media practices. (volume under contract). Routledge.
- Higgins, C. (2015). Earning capital in Hawai‘i’s linguistic landscape. In R. Tupas (ed.) Unequal Englishes across multilingual spaces (pp. 145-162). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Higgins, C. (2013). When local and global scapes collide: Reterritorializing English in East Africa. In R. Rubdy & L. Alsagoff (eds.) Language choice and linguistic & cultural hybridity at the global-local interface (pp. 17-40). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Higgins, C. (2011). The formation of L2 selves in a globalizing world. In C. Higgins (ed.) Identity formation in globalizing contexts: Language learning in the new millennium (1-16). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Higgins, C. (2011). “You’re a real Swahili!”: Western women’s resistance to identity slippage in Tanzania. In C. Higgins (ed.) Identity formation in globalizing contexts: Language learning in the new millennium (pp. 147-168). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Higgins, C. (2011). Epilogue: Hybridizing scapes and the production of new identities. In C. Higgins (ed.) Identity formation in globalizing contexts: Language learning in the new millennium (pp. 279-284). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Higgins, C. (2010). Raising critical language awareness in Hawai‘i at Da Pidgin Coup. In B. Migge, I. Léglise, & A. Bartens (eds.), Creoles in education: A critical assessment and comparison of existing projects (pp. 31-54). John Benjamins.
- Higgins, C. (2010). Discursive constructions of responsibility in HIV/AIDS prevention: Re-entextualization practices in Tanzania. In C. Higgins & B. Norton (eds.) Language and HIV/AIDS. (pp. 133-154). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Higgins, C. & Norton, B. (2010). Applied linguistics, local knowledge, and HIV/AIDS. In C. Higgins & B. Norton (eds.) Language and HIV/AIDS. (pp. 1-19). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Higgins, C. & Stoker, K. (2010). Searching for belonging: Korean adoptee returnees’ use of Korean as a heritage language. In K. P. Nelson, T. Hubinette, E. Kim, J. K. Dobbs., K. Langrehr & L. Myong (eds.) Proceedings of the second international symposium on Korean adoption studies (pp. 83-96). SISKAS: Seoul.
- Higgins, C. (2009). East Africa. In N. Müller & M. J. Ball (eds.) Sociolinguistics around the world: A handbook (pp. 214-223). London: Routledge.
- Higgins, C. (2009). “Are you Hindu?”: The intersection of language alternation and membership categorization. In G. Kasper & H. Nguyen (eds.) Talk-in-interaction: Multilingual perspectives, National Foreign Language Resource Center. Honolulu: The University of Hawaii Press.
- Higgins, C. (2009). From ‘da bomb’ to bomba: Global Hip Hop nation language in Tanzania. In A. Ibrahim, H. S. Alim, & A. Pennycook (eds.) Global linguistic flows: Hip hop cultures, youth identities, and the politics of language (pp. 95-112). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Commissioned publications
- Higgins, C. (forthcoming). East Africa. In M. Ball and R. Mesthrie (Eds.) Sociolinguistics around the world (2nd Ed.) London: Routledge.
- Higgins, C. (2022). Afterword: Locating discourse and ideology. In S. Määttä & M. K. Hall (Eds.) Mapping ideology in discourse studies (pp. 273-284). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Lamb, G. & Higgins, C. (2020). Posthumanism and its implications for discourse studies. In A. De Fina & A. Georgakopoulou (Eds.) Handbook of Discourse Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Higgins, C. (2019). Discourses of disease: The lifeworld, the healthworld, and HIV/AIDS. In K. Hall & R. Barrett (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Higgins, C. & Furukawa, G. (2018). Contact Englishes. In P. Seargeant & A. Hewings & S. Pihlaja (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of English Language Studies. New York and London: Routledge.
- Higgins, C. & Sharma, B. K. (2016). Language education and globalization. In S. May (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education. New York: Springer.
- Higgins, C. (2017). Space, place and language. In S. Canagarajah (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language. New York: Routledge.
- Sandhu, P. & Higgins, C. (2016). Identity in post-colonial contexts. In S. Preece (ed.) The Routledge handbook of language and Identity. New York: Routledge.
- Higgins, C. & Sandhu, P. (2014). Researching identity through narrative analysis. In M. Bigelow & J. Ennser-Kananen (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Educational Linguistics (pp. 50-62). New York: Routledge.
- Higgins, C. (2013). Bonny Norton. In C. Chapelle (ed.) The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1340.
- Higgins, C. (2010). Gender and language. In N. Hornberger & S. McKay (eds.) Sociolinguistics and language education (pp. 370-397). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Reprinted material
- Higgins, C. (2011). Constructing membership in the in-group: Affiliation and resistance among urban Tanzanians. [originally published in Pragmatics 17, 49-70.] In Zhu Hua (ed.) The language and intercultural communication reader. New York and London: Routledge.
- Higgins, C. (2011). ‘Ownership’ of English in the Outer Circle: an alternative to the NS-NNS Dichotomy. [originally published in TESOL Quarterly (2003) 37, 615-644]. In Li Wei (Ed.) The Routledge applied linguistics reader (pp. 46-68). New York: Routledge.
Book Reviews
- Higgins, C. (2011). Review of Menard-Warwick, J. Gendered identities and immigrant language learning (2009). Bristol: Multilingual Matters. In Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33, 137-139.
- Higgins, C. (2009). Review of DeFina, A., Schiffrin, D., & Bamberg, M. (eds.) (2006). Discourse and identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 12, 486-489.
- Higgins, C. (2009). Review of Besemeres, M., & Wierzbicka A. (eds.) (2007) Translating lives: Living with two languages and cultures. University of Queensland Press. In International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 12, 104-108.
- Higgins, C. (2005). Review of Cheng, Winnie. (2003). Intercultural conversation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Discourse Studies. 7: 385-386.
- Higgins, C. (2005). Review of Davies, Alan (2004). The native speaker: Myth and reality. 2nd edition. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. World Englishes, 24, 3.